
Here’s our latest effort: 2016repeaters.

This is a listing of 2-meter, 220, and 440 repeaters within 100 miles of Birmingham. Also through in the NOAA radio frequencies by location.

This is an Excel spreadsheet. If you have Excel, or a way to view Excel spreadsheets, that’s ideal. If you have a Gmail account, you can upload the file to Google Drive and view and manipulate it there.

By clicking on whichever columns you want to sort by, you can apply the A-Z sorter. So, you can arrange it by location, or by frequency from high to low, and so on.


Download: 2016repeaters.

Please: If you’re able, look over the list and let us know anything you can share, particularly on the less-used repeaters. Email us at

My thanks to Grady Evans (W4GLE) who was good enough to compile and share this amazing

It’s much more comprehensive than the more focused thing we’re trying to do here but, wow, I have printed this bad boy out and am keeping it in my car for when I’m driving Alabama!

 D-Star Repeaters

a user contributed this information on D-Star repeaters in April 2015.



5 thoughts on “Repeaters

  1. Here are a few ( some may already be listed ) whoever owns the website can add these, I can not put them all in 1 by 1 but these are confirmed

    70 cm:
    444.825 +5 PL 131.8 AG4ZV
    444.6 +5 PL 156.7 WA4CYA (147.14 link)
    444.65 +5 PL 131.8 KA5GET
    444.7 +5 PL 156.7 WA4CYA
    444.1 +5 PL 162.2 K4TQR
    444.625 +5 PL 100.0 KA4KUN
    444.975 +5 PL 156.7 KB4TUE
    443.175 +5 PL 131.8 KK4BSK
    444.15 +5 NO PL W4TPA
    444.75 +5 PL 131.8 WB4GNA
    443.775 +5 NO PL W4BLT
    443.875 +5 PL 91.5 KK4CWX
    444.9 +5 NO PL N4UAI
    441.8 +5 PL 123.0 W4JMT
    443.7 +5 PL 131.8 KK4BSK
    443.55 +5 PL 123.0 N4UKE
    443.925 +5 PL 123.0 N4MYI
    444.2 +5 PL 179.9 W4YF
    442.75 +5 PL 123.0 W4BLT
    444.4 +5 PL 110.9 W4GLE
    442.0 +5 PL 203.5 KE4BLC

    2 meter:
    146.88 -.6 PL 88.5 W4CUE
    146.76 -.6 PL 88.5 KK4BSK
    147.32 +.6 PL 88.5 W4SHL
    145.13 -.6 PL 103.5 K4SCC
    146.7 -.6 PL 91.5 W4BLT
    147.14 +.6 PL 156.7 WA4CYA
    145.29 -.6 NO PL N4GEG
    147.09 +.6 PL 131.8 WB4GNA
    145.35 -.6 PL 91.5 KX4I
    146.98 -.6 PL 88.5 W4SHL
    146.86 -.6 NO PL N4YI
    147.12 +.6 PL 100.0 KD4CIF
    147.39 +.6 PL 110.9 W4WCA
    146.9 -.6 NO PL WB4ACN
    146.64 -.6 PL 123.0 WR4Y
    145.31 -.6 PL 100.0 N4TUN
    146.82 -.6 PL 118.8 W4XI
    146.62 -.6 NO PL KF4FVH
    146.84 -.6 PL 156.7 WA4CYA
    147.22 +.6 PL 136.5 K4RSB
    145.23 -.6 PL 203.5 WB4TJX ***off air at times
    147.0 +.6 ? PL ? Unknown **

    Callsigns may not be accurate
    That’s a short list of repeaters in or near Birmingham that I can hit!

    -73’s KM4DEF

      1. anytime! I hope you received all of my submissions! I spent a rainy afternoon a while back submitting repeaters to your website through the submit repeater option.

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