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Birmingham Amateur Radio Club
offers Amateur Radio license examination opportunities on the first Sunday of odd-numbered months, during the annual BirmingHAMfest, and at other designated times. 2:00pm at M-Power Ministries, 4022 4th Avenue S, Birmingham, AL
Shelby County Amateur Radio Club
offers VE testing on the first Sunday of even-numbered months at 2:00pm at their regular Club meeting location of 663 Stuart Lane, Pelham, AL.
Healthcare Amateur Radio Club (HCARC)
offers VE testing on the first Tuesday of every month at 5pm at JVann Martin’s office listed below.
St. Clair County ARC
offers testing every third Saturday of each month at Heritage Baptist Church in Pell City, at 12:30PM.
West Alabama VE Group (Tuscaloosa)
offers testing on the following remaining date in 2015 at 7 PM in 2015: November 20th. For 2016:January 15, March 18, May 20, July 15, September 16 and November 18. Northport Medical Center; 2700 Hospital Drive; Northport, AL 35476-3360. Faucett Room to the left of the Reception desk Main Entrance. Contact: Allen or Bridget Thompson (lovely people, by the way) at 205.554.0984 or e-mail at dx******@ch*****.net.
Cullman County ARC
Testing is locally coordinated by Charlie McBrayer; WB4PED. Tests are scheduled on the 2nd Thursday of each month beginning at 7PM. Tests are conducted at the Cullman County Commission on Aging Building. Their website notes they don’t test during the county fair due to building access. Contact Charlie for details.
Blount County ARC
Each odd month (except in January when testing is held at their annual FreezeFest) on the 3rd Saturday at 4pm, in the EMA office located in the Blount Co courthouse basement. 220 2nd Ave E., Oneonta, AL.