Ham Cram Jam Oct 17th

From Fayette County ARC:

Ham Cram Jam Oct 17th (This is the same weekend as the Alabama S.E.T. and the Boy Scouts J.O.T.A.)

Please sent your email reservation request to k4***@co*****.net

Full day 8 am to 5 pm. Workbook study from 8 am to about 2 pm and then testing for about 2 hrs or longer if needed. With football away and no UA parking ticketing on weekends, location will probably be on the UA campus … details later.

Will have Tech and General workbooks. Extra Class testing will be available, but no workbook study guide for the Extra.

With no prior study/prep, the historical pass rate for Tech has been about 85%. Applicant can retake the test once if they fail the first try, but there is a ARRL-set fee of $15 for each test taken. Except …. if you start with the Tech exam and pass it, you get to take the General exam one time, for free, so you get a look at the General for free in that case and some folks from the last ExamCram passed the General as well.

We don’t sell the workbooks, but do ask for a donation of $15 for each workbook for ARA Group of Birmingham which produces those and is providing copies to us.

Your friends, TARC members, Red Cross folks, and anyone in the Tuscaloosa community is welcome … but participation does require advance registration through me and we will not be able to take walk-ins on Oct 17 (number of workbooks produced will be exactly for the number of advance registrants).

So let me know if I can go ahead and put you on the ExamCram info email distribution list and send all prospects in your circle of friends to me. This is a max convenience, high probability way to get a ham license and I think you will leave smiling …

Perry Wheless, K4CWW
University Amateur Radio Club Advisor
preferred email: k4***@co*****.net